FAQ Spanish School in Spain

Frequently asked questions.

1.- When can I start my Spanish course?

2.- Are there any classes during the holidays?

3.- Do I need to use public transport to get to school? What kind of services can I find near my apartment and school?

4.- Is there a registration or school materials fee?

5.- Can I do a Spanish course at your school without booking an accommodation with you?

6.- What is the minimum duration of the course?

7.- How can I know my level of Spanish?

8.- Can I change my group after I started my course?

9.- How can I book my Spanish course and accommodation?

10.- How can I get to my apartment when I arrive?

11.- If my arrival is on Sunday, are there any supermarkets or shops to buy food?

12.- Do I have to bring sheets and towels with me?

13.-What kind of equipment does the shared flat have?

14.- Are there additional costs to the prices listed on the website?

15.- What if I have to cancel my Spanish course?

16.- Do I need a visa to study in Malaga? If I don't get it, will you return my money?

17.- Will I receive a certificate after finishing the course?

18.- What nationality and age are the students?

19.- Do I have medical help in Spain?



1.- When can I start my Spanish course?

The course start date is every Monday during all year regardless your level of Spanish. The exceptions are
   a) Mondays which coincide with the Christmas holidays, the date will be published on our website annually.
   b) Mondays which are holidays, in which case the course start date will be the following Tuesday.

If you want to see the holidays of the year, you can check it in the tab COURSES..



2.- Are there any classes during the holidays?

During holidays there are no classes except in case when two holidays coincide within on week, then one of them is a school day.



3.- Do I need to use public transport to get to school? What kind of services can I find near my apartment and school?

No. Our apartments and families are up to 20 minutes walk from the school and always in the center or near the city center. In addition, the school is located in the old town, which has all the services: markets, supermarkets, gyms, hairdressers, different shops, restaurants and bars, etc.
Malaga center is the heart of the city. People from Malaga go there for shopping and to enjoy their leisure time. The major part of Malaga´s nightlife is concentrated in the center, so you don't have to worry about transportation or its restricted night hours.



4.- Is there a registration or school materials fee?

No. The course prices are final and we have no registration or administrative fee. Furthermore, the instructional materials are included in the price. Therefore, the prices of the courses that have been published on the website have no extra charge.



5.- Can I do a Spanish course at your school without booking an accommodation with you?

Yes, of course. We offer accommodation as an additional service to our Spanish courses, as most of our students require. However there is no problem if a student wants to find their own accommodation.



6.- What is the minimum duration of the course?

The minimum duration of the Spanish course is one week. If you want to do a shorter course or fewer hours, you have the option to book a private course where student determines the number of private hours and days.



7.- How can I know my level of Spanish?

In your registration forms just indicate the level you think you have. It is only a guideline. Regardless of the on-line test that we may publish on our website, we consider the test which you perform at school much more reliable and accurate. Therefore, the first day of class, before starting the classes, you will do this test at school and also have a short interview with the head teacher, who will assess your knowledge of Spanish in order to integrate you into an adequate group.



8.- Can I change my group after I started my course?

Sure, if didactically advisable. The vast majority of students are assigned to the appropriate group with the initial test, but if the student understands to be integrated into another group, it is always possible. Moreover, especially during the long term course, there may be students who progress more than others. That is why from the first day of school, there is continuous monitoring of all students by their teacher and head teacher in order to ensure that all the time the level of each group and its members is homogeneous.



9.- How can I book my Spanish course and accommodation?

Registration can be done via our online form or by e-mail by completing the information you needed to open the student tab.
After the registration you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your registration. You must remit into our account the amount of 100 € as a deposit to the following account: .
  Holder: LinguaSpain School SL. .
  Bank: Bank CAM.
  Address: Plaza de la Solidaridad, Edificio Las Américas. .
  Swift Code: CAAMES2A.
  Account number: .
    Swift Code: CAAMES2A, .
    IBAN: ES 35 2090.0581.33.0200136481.
It is important not to forget to write your name on the transfer order. .
This amount is the concept of deposit which is deducted from the total course fee. Once the school receive the deposit, will send via mail, a letter of confirmation with the course details and where appropriate, the booked accommodation. .
Rest of the payment, after deducting the deposit, you can do at any time before the course starts or in Malaga within the first three days of your Spanish course. Payment might be made by bank transfer to the account outlined above, by credit card or cash at school.



10.- How can I get to my apartment when I arrive?

If you have booked the transfer service, a person from the school team will take you to your apartment directly from the airport and also will give you the keys and show you how to get to school.
Otherwise, a team member will be waiting at school when you have reported your arrival and will accompany you to your apartment.
In both cases, we will give you a 'welcome pack', where you fill find useful information, and also a map of Malaga with the location of the apartment and school.



11.- If my arrival is on Sunday, are there any supermarkets or shops to buy food?

Supermarkets are closed on Sunday. However, school personnel will indicate kiosks and small shops where you can buy some food for the first day. We also indicate restaurants and fast food outlets if you prefer.  All of them will be close to your place.



12.- Do I have to bring sheets and towels with me?

If you do not want to bring your own sheets, we can provide you, but only if you make a note in your registration form or send us a message via e-mail a few days before your arrival.
Bath towels you should bring with you, as we understand it has more personal use. You can also purchase both bath and beach towels for a very affordable price in the shops in the city center of Malaga.



13.- What kind of equipment does the shared flat have?

Our apartments are fully furnished with everything you need for your stay here: fridge, stove and oven, washing machine, television, etc.



14.- Are there additional costs to the prices listed on the website?

No, the prices on our website include utilities (water, electricity, gas, community). In those apartments that have internet, this is also included.



15.- What if I have to cancel my Spanish course?

If cancellation occurs four weeks in advance before the course starts this is required to reimburse the entire amount, including deposit. If the cancellation is made up to four weeks before the course starts, we do not refund the deposit (100 €), only any additional amounts that the student has paid. In both cases, the school may deduct some charges from the bank.
If cancellation occurs after the beginning of the course, there is no refund, although these cases are very rare, and are caused by serious personal circumstances it is possible to reconsider the case.



16.- Do I need a visa to study in Malaga? If I don't get it, will you return my money?

For non EU students, who need a visa, the school will send a letter of acceptance and invitation in case it´s requested by the consulate or embassy. However, the student must make a money transfer for the entire course. If approval is withheld, we will refund the entire amount when the student provides us a copy of the refusal of the visa, and it will be done two weeks before the course starts. If the refusal is in less than two weeks, then you will receive your money less the amount paid for the deposit (100 €) and bank charges plus revenue for the administration.
Thus, if you need a visa, we always recommend students to make all arrangements in advance and make the payment when they are sure that they make all requirements that are required for obtaining a visa.



17.- Will I receive a certificate after finishing the course?

Yes, when you finish your course, you will receive a certificate with the dates of your course, total numbers of hours and a level of your Spanish.



18.- What nationality and age are the students?

The nationality of the students is varied, although most of students come from The European Union.
We have students in every age, but the most of them is between 18 and 35.



19.- Do I have medical help in Spain?

The school recommends that students consult in their home country medical coverage they may have in Spain, both in the public social security system and also buy a private health insurance. In any case, students from all 27 European Union countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland have the opportunity to be in possession of the European Health Insurance card (EHIC) or alternatively, Provisional Replacement Certificate (CPS).
If the student wants to take a private insurance for his stay in Spain, you can contact us for the price list and coverage. It is also advisable to have insurance in case of other incidents (accident, lost luggage, repatriation, etc.).




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  Agent of spanish school LinguaSpain  Spanish School FAQ  Ciudad de Málaga

Málaga, Andalucía España Erasmus+